What Exactly Is A Landscaping Professional?
In some way, every landscaping professional is integral to making our world a stunning place to be. But what do these people do?
There is a desperate need to keep places maintained. Whether indoors or outdoors, plants invigorate our environments. Landscapers have significant ecological impact in the area where they’re located, bringing green spaces to the public at large.
But there’s a lot which is involved in keeping these green spaces looking good. From the office staff who arrange landscaping or work up the budgets all the way down the line through specialist positions in design, urban planning, and more, organization is key.
Someone needs to maintain that green wall in the local hospital, while another needs to know which plants are allergens so that those don’t make their way indoors. Still more will design the wall and its watering system, arrange for its transportation and installation, etcetera.
It’s not limited to green spaces like public parks, either. All that beautiful foliage at your favorite theme park has to be maintained, and someone has to start seedling plants for the next seasonal display. And very few want to get married in a drab, dead wedding garden!
Landscape professionals find the perfect plants to lend a spooky atmosphere inside professional haunted houses. They make sure that the trees on your block are in perfect shape, and possibly even put up lights in the winter. And yes, they keep your lawn green and lush.
They also make certain that what’s being used is sustainable and eco-friendly, deal with integrated pest management solutions so plants remain healthy, and confirm that the soil is healthy as well.
And while they do these things, they’re also guaranteeing that we’ll have a healthier environment. Trees, plants, and grasses clean the air, reducing pollution levels. Plants reduce noise levels, prevent erosion, act as natural coolants, and create oxygen.
By being in this industry, you are making the world a better place and giving back to your community and to the plants that sustain it.

By Kevin Espiritu, Epic Gardening